This is my beautiful friend Angela.
I want to be just like her, basically.
So, things are kind of goofy nuts right now.
By goofy nuts I mean: I am making decisions!! WHAAA!!!
1) i will learn Arabic and understand Islam because I care about
the injustices the Islamic people have suffered.
I will help to make it right.
2) i will bike forever.
3) 35mm film sucks & 120mm (and 220) film kicks.
4) group projects, that require papers, i will avoid forever.
5) i will always wear sandals, even if they do tend to smell.
6) kindnessessity. 7) i fucking love hiking.
8) if i want to, i should still love people,
even if they are incapable of loving me in return.
9) i will give her space if she needs it because i love her.
10) i will tell the truth.
These are all pretty simple things,
but I thought them through very carefully.