28 April 2008


Dustin took this!!  Me and my chariot! (I'm hilarious, admit it.  or sleep deprived?)

Today I took a bike ride at sunrise after staying up all night working on things.  Things being a SOC paper, BIO homework and a bazillion pages of reading.
OH MY GAH. my route: up 21st to guad. then down to 40th and then right there to hit speedway and somehow make it to the east mall at 7am to see the huge fountain explode into action!! SHITTT!! then to MLK and over to the DF field to explore parking lots and then down my FAVORITE hill on campus.  WHEW!  staying up all night has never been so stellar!
i know i may regret this at 5pm when my last class ends and i can't even make it all the way back to my room to crash, but right now I am in love with being awake all of the time, and also my bike (his name is Roark!).


Dustin said...

i probably need to name my bike. i've had it long enough i think.

cheshire said...

i want one too!