01 August 2010

the last year. pictoral catch-up.

So, I have been keeping track of life in print lately (pencil and paper style). But, I will attempt to catch you up a tiny bit before I just move forward. I have been busy. And, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words...so here we go.

I visited Syria, Jordan, and the West Bank/ Jerusalem. Here I am at the Dome of the Rock.

"One day I will put a piece of this wall on the shelf in my living room" at the Separation Wall, Bethlehem.

I played poker, and won all da (fake) moneyzz.

Cuddled in the sunshine with Sheevs.

Rode bikes around town in costumes.

Chilled with Ali Abunimah...err, organized a lecture (or 5)?

Went on field trips to visit mega churches and shrines with the RS Club.

Cooked a dinner for more than 30 people that was: vegan, tasty, and ball-shaped (yes, the whole meal, so, suck it)

Went to NY to visit Columbia, but mostly to get lost and have fun with Amelia. Oh, and to EAT.

Lived with, and fell in love with, all of these people at HoC.

Shaked the booty.

Got sunburned at some protests.

Built a wall in the middle of campus. <3 PSC

Got rowdy. <3 HoC

Was a nanny for some adorable children.

These aren't all of the things I did, or even all of the important things I did. But, for now, we only move forwards.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Beautiful. I miss you. I'm sorry I haven't been a good friend. Or even a friend at all. I live here now, maybe we can find each other again?