03 June 2008

bed ridden.

This is my friend Scott the day he taught me to play DDR at the arcade a little ways up north.  I remember we took the bus and goodness did I have the hugest crush on him.  We went to the wok'n'roll for lunch and then it was DDR time.  Scott is really really really good at DDR.  I miss him a lot even though he only lives up the street and technically I could see him whenever I want.
He is also currently sick.  I have been so too since Saturday.  Strep/"possibly mono" says the doctor at the clinic after 2 hours of waiting and an hour and a half of throat swabbing and blood tests.  I've been in bed and waddling around the house in my sleeping clothes for the past few days, taking my anti-biotic but not really feeling better.  I have another appointment Wednesday morning with my real doctor and I hopefully will feel well enough to start summer school on Thursday.  If I could get over the general bad mood I'm in from being sick I would be really excited about finally starting Arabic.  I need something to do before I go fucking crazy.

Also, not being able to do things for yourself really sucks. I miss my mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh ames.